Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Discover God: God’s Love

God is active. God is near. God is actively loving you right where you are. Right now. He Loves you as much now as He ever will and it is more than you can ever imagine. God's love is real. When we Discover God, we discover more than a powerful being who holds the answers to life. We find more than a way to live our best life now. We find more than we could ever hope or imagine. We find love. Pure, unfiltered, unobstructed, ever flowing love. And it is directed straight at you.

For most, this love is so great that it goes unanswered. God has extended his hand towards them, but they just can’t fathom that a love of this magnitude and nature is pursuing them. For many, this happens because they are confused about what love actually means. Too many regard it as happiness and unquestioning support for anything and everything in life. It has to make me feel good right now and forever.

God however, loves you too much to lie to you that way. You see, He created you. He made you who you are and knows how you have hurt yourself by walking away from Him. Now, in love, God is calling you back to Him, back to the person you were created to be. This means that God loves you enough to tell you when you are wrong, when you are hurting yourself and will even intervene in your life with pain if He has to.

God Loves You enough to do whatever it takes to open your eyes to the truth.

The truth. What is the truth? The truth is that nothing in this world, not money, not entertainment, not sex, not fame, not even trying to be a good person can ever rebuild what is broken inside of you. Only God’s amazing love can rebuild your brokenness. Each of us, when we “do our own thing” separate ourselves from God and lose part of ourselves. God’s love is calling us all back to Him and back to ourselves. God is also calling us back to ourselves.

When we rebel against God and his love, it separates us from God, from ourselves and from each other. We were created “by him, through Him, and for Him.” When we rebel against God we rebel against our reason for existing and become something less than God intended and thus lose our connection to ourselves. We forget who we are and become hateful, judgmental, selfish persons. When we lose our connection to ourselves, we then lose our connection to each other. Instead of seeing one another as bearers of God’s image, we see each other’s faults and begin competing for superiority in a broken system.

God’s love is the answer for this. God’s love, as revealed through Jesus Christ, is the cure all. When Jesus came into our world, he repaired all that was broken. He repaired our connection to God by living a perfect life and offering himself as the perfect sacrifice for our sin. He repaired our connection to ourselves because he showed us what humanity is supposed to be, and he is repairing our connection to each other by sending his Spirit to His church to guide us and teach us corporately.

All of this is because of God’s love. He loves you so much that he sent his Son, Jesus Christ, to repair your brokenness. Will you accept this love? You see, God isn’t going to force you to Receive this love. Love cannot be forced. Love must be freely given and accepted. If you wish to Discover God, you must Receive His Love as He has offered it. John 3:16 says it all “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son that whoever believes in Him would not perish, but have eternal life.”

Discover God and Rise Above Reality.

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