Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Remember your leaders, those who spoke to you the word of God. Consider the outcome of their way of life, and imitate their faith. Hebrews 13:7

The more I think about this passage the more I realize that "good theology" is only good when it leads to obedience. Orthodoxy is only meaningful if it leads to "orthopraxy." When the author of Hebrews tells us to "consider the outcome of their way of life" he is saying pay attention to what they DO. Not just what they say. What they DO reveals what they really believe. It is only after we have considered the OUTCOME the results of their actions that we are to "imitate their faith" which means to adopt their beliefs.

Unfortunately, too many times we get this backwards. We flock to those who say the right words with a slick and engaging presentation but pay little attention to the outcome of their way of life. The modern church in America is guilty of doing this in regards to leadership. Why? Because the American church adopted the American industrial/business model of leadership instead of following scripture. Instead of faithfulness to God and to Gospel, leadership is about results and only results.

Even though the outcome has resulted in burnout after burnout, every kind of moral failure there is, and an overabundance of narcissistic personalities who are convinced of their own superiority on all things, the church persists in following a worldly model for leadership. I say worldly because this model emphasizes, lives and dies by, GROWING UP LEADERS. Everything is about finding, growing, and multiplying leaders. This builds incredible organizations, but is NOT found anywhere in scripture. It isn't even based on Godly Principles. It is based solely in producing structures that get results as quickly as possible.

See, this is the problem. There is not one place in scripture where the Church is told to "develop" leaders. Why? Leadership is God's domain. HE CHOOSES HIS LEADERS from among his disciples. The problem is that we are horrible at choosing leaders and God does not like it when we try to do His job. When Israel chose their own leader it was a train wreck.

We are called and commanded to MAKE DISCIPLES of the Lord Jesus Christ who OBEY. But, the American business church would rather build organizations that grow into MegaChurches than make disciples who obey. So, we ignore passages like Hebrews 13:7 that says "consider the outcome of their way of life."

If we truly consider the outcome of the way of life of the American business church we find leaders who are narcissistic, arrogant, selfish, mean spirited, aggressive, immoral, and without Grace. Everything American business requires. Pastors under this model routinely burn out, self-destruct, or just walk away because it has "a form of Godliness, but denies it's power." (2 Tim 3:5) Why would anyone want to imitate the faith of someone like that?

The power of God is not found in developing great organizations and structures that ensure consumer driven people attend. The Power of God is found in the Gospel of Jesus Christ and obedience to Him. Yet, what we see is way too many churches and leaders are more interested in building successful organizations than they are in building successful disciples.

Are you in church leadership? What is more important to you? Attendance or obedience? I'm not saying attendance isn't important. I am asking which is MORE IMPORTANT? The ironic thing is that obedience will ultimately lead to attendance because mature disciples will engage in the Great Commission. But, the opposite is not true. Attendance does not equal obedience, yet, if you are of the Business Church Model, most of your time is spent focusing on structures, organizations, and developing "leaders."

Imagine what would happen if we took all that energy and put it towards making disciples whose "outcome of their way of life" was worthy of imitation. Instead of churches repeatedly trying to recover from another pastoral burnout, extramarital affair scandal, shady business dealings, or just the basic narcissist that is attracted to the business church model, we could have churches that showed the fruit of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. You know, the stuff worthy of imitation.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Brother, you have spoken many truths that are heartbreaking to face. Obedience to the Word both living and incarnate must be one of the three primary actions (along with making disci-ples and loving one another). It is in obedience that we love one another and make disciples, so it all fits together.

I also agree with the problem you see with the business model of church growth. I am a pastor, and one church let me go because my emphasis was on obedience to the Word and learning all we could about Father/Son/Holy Spirit so that we could live out true faith. Some took offence and the 'leaders' (SBC church so it was the deacons) booted us out. They did not want to be obedient, or ironically, develop leaders that would hinder them from doing what they have always done. True leadership comes from God and obedience to the higher authority of Christ is the key element.

God bless.